
Changing Text Size

On this website

change size the upper-right button

Click the upper-right button to change text size

On your browser

Windows OS

Internet Explorer

To change the whole browser window
  1. Select the "View" on Browser menu.
  2. Select the Zoom Tab.
  3. Choose your preference.
To just change text
  1. Select the "View" on Browser menu.
  2. Select the Text Size Tab.
  3. Choose your preference.


  1. Select the "View" on Browser menu.
  2. Select the Zoom Tab.
  3. Choose your preference.

    *If you want to change the text size, select the Zoom Text Only.

Mac OS


  1. Select the "View" on Browser menu.
  2. Select the Zoom In Tab or Zoom Out Tab.

    *If you want to change the text size, select the Zoom Text Only.